Make UX measurable and strengthen your company's UX culture
Ultimately, better UX means more revenue. With this guide, you will get some valuable tips on how to pick the right metrics, apply them correctly, and present the results in a meaningful way. In this way, you will demonstrate the value of your work, document your successes and better judge the progress of your UX-related efforts for yourself, helping your further development.

User experience costs money. We cost money ourselves, as we do not work for free. Our workplace costs money. And the test subjects who take part in our research activities cost money. Even if they do not get paid because they are employed in our company – or at any rate they cannot make any money while they are sitting in our user test, for example.
As a UX expert, you obviously know that this money is superbly well invested. A better UX leads to more satisfied employees, fewer mistakes, reduced support requirements and, ultimately, more revenue. But you first have to make that clear to some of your colleagues and, above all, to your managers. A few figures or metrics can help in this respect.
The following topics are covered in this guide:
- From qualitative work via UX metrics to ROI
- Select the right metrics like Single Ease Question (SEQ) or System Usability Scale (SUS)
- Alternative metrics that are more widely used
- Ways to document your successes
- Ways to judge the progress of your UX-related efforts
- Tips for introducing metrics to the team